Someone robs a person or an organisation, but steals things such as money.
The verb rob is usually followed by the preposition of, while steal is followed by the preposition from. Sometimes the phrase starting with of or from is understood or not stated.
Have a look at the following examples:
A mugger robbed me of my wallet in the park.
A mugger robbed me in the park.
The thief stole a laptop from the store.
The thief stole a laptop.
They have robbed me.
They robbed the bank.
I was robbed of my cheque-book.
Someone hasstolen my watch.
They stole plenty of money from us.
Related words
robber: the person who robs robbery: instance of robbing thief: the person who steals theft: instance of stealing Further practice:
Watch the following advertisement broadcast by Sky Sports in which football fans of Great Britain and Ireland were encouraged to support the Spanish national football team for the Euro Cup.
In the following links you will find superb samples of different writing tasks created by my English Department colleagues: Yolanda Marín, Gloria Ferreira and Ana Enríquez.
They have created an excellent glogster for each of the following levels:
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de la correspondiente prueba de certificación donde consta información
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